

View the Project on GitHub anushl9o5/Mouse3D

A Comprehensive Multiview Dataset for Mice Behaviors


With a few exceptions, existing computer vision solu- tions for tracking animals are built upon a 2D represen- tation while motor behaviors, including foraging, locomo- tion, and social interactions, are by large performed in 3D. This mismatch often introduces limited expressibility when generalizing to complex interactions that involve significant occlusion, viewpoint changes, and pose variations. In this paper, we address this challenge by presenting a new 3D multiview dataset called Mouse3D—42,685 3D deformable meshes of mice controlled by a set of 3D landmarks that are fitted to 3D multiview point cloud measurements. A key challenge of obtaining a full 3D mesh is to handle oc- clusion, e.g., the body parts that are behind the torso. We address this challenge by fusing multiview RGB-D images where the noisy point cloud from each view is combined to form a clean point cloud via truncated signed distance function (TSDF) fusion. With the fused point cloud and the triangulated landmarks from multiview images, we deform the mesh such that it can best explain the point cloud and 3D landmarks. We anticipate that Mouse3D will provide a new opportunity for neuroscience by scaling-up mouse 3D tracking.

Compared to exisiting datasets

Dataset Details

No of Unique Mice - 15


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